Kaizen-Style Fitness


Kaizen is a Japanese business strategy referring to small, consistent positive improvements made over time. This fitness strategy uses a Kaizen-like approach to begin and maintain a healthy exercise routine. Lightly targeting major areas of the body every day (with a rest day every 4-6 days) reduces soreness and fatigue, both of which have an effect on our ability and willingness to continue any exercise regimen. This routine has eight (8) total exercises, which primarily target the following areas: calves, quadriceps/hamstrings, abs/core, chest/back, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and neck.


  1. Analyze overall weight change over 180 days to measure effectiveness of Kaizen Fitness strategy

  2. Determine if there is a correlation between exercise and nightly sleep amount over time


The exercise routine below is done first thing every morning. Five to ten (5-10) minutes of stretching, followed by a few sips of water before starting the first pair of exercises. All dumbbell exercises are done with two (2) fifteen pound (15lbs) dumbbells, with the exception of the Triceps Extension which is done with one (1) fifteen pound (15lb) dumbbell.


  • 3 X 20 Pushups (Chest/Back) (3 sets of 20) concurrently with 3 X 15 Dumbbell Front Squats (Quads/Hamstrings) (3 sets of 15)

  • 3 X 15 Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press (Shoulder) (3 sets of 15) concurrently with 3 X 30 Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise (Calves) (3 sets of 30)

  • 3 X 30 Standing Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension (Triceps) (3 sets of 20) concurrently with 3 X 15 Leg Raises (Abs/Core) (3 sets of 15)

  • 3 X 15 Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Biceps) (3 sets of 15) concurrently with 3 X 25 Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs (Neck) (3 sets of 15)

Example: One (1) set of pushups is done, followed immediately by one (1) set of squats, then a 30-90 second rest period. This sequence is repeated twice more until all three (3) sets of pushups and squats are completed. A three to four (3-4) minute rest period is taken between each pair of exercises. Water can be sipped between sets as needed.


Day 30

Change in weight from Day 1: -4.2%

Average Hours Slept in Period: 6.03 hours (6 hours, 2 minutes)

Data Observation: Weight has trended down as indicated by a loss of seven (7) pounds from Day 1 to Day 30. Additionally, the amount of hours slept per night has slightly increased over the same time period.

Notes: Noticeable change with regards to tightness of clothing (looser fitting in most cases). Some muscle tone in leaner areas like calves and triceps. Sleeping slightly longer every night, it has become easier to fall asleep as well.

Day 60

Change in weight from Day 1: -7.3%

Change in weight from Day 30: -3.2%

Average Hours Slept in Period: 7.11 hours (7 hours, 7 minutes)

Data Observation: Weight reached a low point of 149lbs at Day 53 (-8.5% from Day 1), and has remained consistently stagnant. Hours slept per night have increased significantly.

Notes: Overall physical appearance remains mostly unchanged with the exception of a noticeable reduction in stomach/belly size. Clothing does fit looser, and there is slightly more muscle tone in calves, triceps, and shoulders. Average amount of sleep has increased in this time period, as has the quality of sleep.

Day 90

Change in weight from Day 1: -4.2%

Change in weight from Day 30: 0.0%

Change in weight from Day 60: +3.3%

Average Hours Slept in Period: 7.3 hours (7 hours, 18 minutes)

Data Observation: Weight has increased since Day 60 and is equal to weight measured on Day 30. Weight gain has coincided with a slight increase in the amount of sleep per night.

Notes: While weight has increased, overall physical appearance has remained the same. There is noticeable increased muscle tone in calves, quads, triceps, biceps, shoulders, back, and chest. Sleep amount and quality have remained about the same in this period.

Daily Weight

90-Day Update

Nightly Sleep

90-Day Update